Monday, December 15, 2008

Oh Life... 2008 is coming to a close!

Well! It's been 2 years, almost 3, I guess I'm slacking. Things have been going pretty well lately, so I guess I can't complain! Life has changed so much in the last 3 years, I never would have imagined I'd be where I am now!

I have an amazing son, Joshua Joseph, who was born on June 24, 2008! That's him up top there! He's such a ham, a precious little angel. I hardly have time to breathe these days, he takes up everything I have! I stay at home all day wtih him and wouldn't ask for anything more. I was working until He was about 4 1/2 months old, so a month or so ago I got done. I've enjoyed being home with him more than I've ever enjoyed anything in my life, watching him grow is such a gift. Saying that being a mom is life changing is an understatement, it's the most amazing thing life can give you! He's perfect and I love him!!

I also have the most amazing boyfriend, Christopher Robert! He owns my heart and soul and I couldn't ask for a better man to love me! He simply amazes me every single day. He is always there when I'm happy, always there when I'm sad, holds me when I cry and never lets go, even when we're apart. I can feel him taking care of me when he's at work, because he writes, calls, emails, everything possible to get us through a day away from eachother! We are so in love I honestly couldn't ask for anything more in this life. He is amazing with Joshua, which is a gift I could never repay him, since he isn't Joshua's biological father. Chris used to always say he didn't want kids, and that he was afraid of babies... but if anyone see's him with Joshua, they know that's a lie! He's an amazing daddy and we cannot wait to have another bundle of joy of our own [plan:: 2 years at most, too much age difference is no fun!].

Other than that, I guess I can start keeping up on this while the little man is napping and enjoying playtime in his walker / other such toys!

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