Well, Life is about to get thoroughly exciting and ridiculously busy! But I wouldn't want it any other way, I love our life when it's fast paced and moving at it's own speed!! Here goes!
August 24 is the first day of College Field Hockey Pre-Season. Not only is it that, but it's my first official day as the Assistant Field Hockey Coach at Thomas College!!!! Yes, for sure. I stumbled into this position, and am already in love even though season hasn't even started yet. I've looked at the roster, read up on last year, and I am beyond excited for day 1! My fellow coaches, head coach Andrea Thebarge and Assistant Erin Whitish are experts at the game, and we all hold our own special skills and talents that will help this team succeed! I'm beyond thrilled that Andrea chose me to help her lead this team this year, and I cannot wait to start helping them grow and learn! I'm pumped to work with the goalies, and to help train them to be the best they can be! Field hockey has always been my passion, and I'm thrilled I get to help others who love the game just as much!!
Then, in the beginning of October, I will be taking on yet another challenge! My wonderfully generous in-laws, Rick & Rachel, have chosen to support me financially in going back to school - to become a CNA! The course is only 2 months, so that makes it do-able and affordable! I was surprised when Chris told me his parents wanted to help us, then overall told me they wanted to pay for the course all together. I'm so grateful for all they do for Joshua & I, and this unexpected gift is a savior. By Christmas time I will be a certified nursing assistant, and hopefully I will have a job in one of the local hospitals by January of 2010! We do our training and clinical hours in a local nursing home, and will have the opportunity to work in Lakewood after graduation from the class, but I think I may opt to find a hospital job, it wont be as depressing as a nursing home. But oh well, either way, life is starting to turn around and look up for us!!!
Thank you, God, for giving me the strength to carry on through the tough times we have had!! We are a very lucky, strong, close, supportive, loving family and I wouldn't have it any other way -- ever!!!