Monday, November 29, 2004

wow.. it's late. or early? not sure

yea, it's deffinatly 1230 am, and I am not sure if it is really late or really early. but I do know I just finished my research paper that I have been doing since 9 oclock tonight. And I did some yesterday, and earlier today, and friday. And whenever our introduction and first page were due I did it then too. But gahd, writing 2000 words is harder than I thought. It was pretty simple tho cos it was on endo, and I have endo, so I knew what I was writing about. It was the whole organization thing that threw me off track. Oh schwell. Dan won poker tonight. But it's all good, cos Justin, Dan and Josh have this thing going so shh!! I can not give it away. I talked to Justin for a bit today... glad to say I am sincerly happy for once. and I mean every single letter of that word. I just miss him like crazyness, likes it my job. Speaking of job, I worked tonight. W/Sarah, Amber, Jess and Mike A.C. (married man). Sam and Andrew were there too for a bit. I worked 5-9 and got Sarah to schedule me a little this week so I am not so weak on hours and payroll. It sucks, I never worked during FH, and then I got sick, then that thing, and now yay I can work :) Amber says we are going to try out for the country singing auditions. I think she's crazy. But I love that girl. I am working tuesday, thursday & friday. Saturday morning is my thing at USM, and hopefully I'll be visiting someone special on saturday night, even though it has yet to be discussed. Well, my hands sure are tired from all this typing, and I could use some sleep, even though I cant stop peeing cos I got one of those "Great Ones'' at DD after work so I could stay awake to do this paper. I must say it's done it's job. Oh, really now, I need to go to sleep. goodnight

"I love that girl"


Sunday, November 28, 2004


gah, it's like noon, and I feel like I still haven't slept enough. yesterday I worked from 1-8. and I was supposed to get out early for hockey, but my manager wouldn't let me leave, but I'm lucky the game started late. Teray played :) she's my hero. we were winning most of the game, til 3rd period when Gorham had a sudden strike of amazingness, and ended up winning 4-2. DJ played for like 40 seconds, but it's okay, because he's my other hero :) I love DJ, and his mom reminds me everyday of how I used to chase him around screaming that (when I was like 7 of course) and he's my buddy. Then after that I came home, started to write my paper and suddenly didn't feel good, so I went to sleep... and woke up this morning at like 1130. haha yeah, that's the life. now HGilms wants to do something, I have yet to figure out what, but something... and yeah that's about it. Bry's dad took the computer away from him :( so I don't get to talk to him today, and I haven't talked to Justin since friday... grr. this is so frustrating. whatevs. I'm gonna go find something to wear, and then figure out whats up with HGilms... so peace :) ps.. I have to work 5-9 tonight.


Saturday, November 27, 2004

gah gah

I feel like a 5 year old full of excitement right now haha. It is really pathetic, but I don't care. I've never been noticed for field hockey for anything, besides almost making ME, but almost doesn't count... and this mornin I woke up and I was like "dude if I don't make at least honorable mention I might as well die", and I got honorable mention :) and my Katy got player of the year, she's my superstar, and I wub her. But right now I am getting ready for work and then going, then I have a game tonight at Colby at 730 to go to... (no other son of a bitch could match Babe Ruth when he hit 60 home runs, or so says the TV right now... hmm).. so I gots to run to work so I can leave early and make it in time for hockey, so yeah.. buhbye. GOOD LUCK TONIGHT MESSALONSKEE HOCKEY :)


Friday, November 26, 2004

you make me wanna la la

well then tonight was interesting. I chilled with Adam like all day cos he's CrAzY and wanted to go to Augusta the DAY AFTER THANKSGIVING. wow what a moron. anywho, we went to Barns and Noble and looked over some stuff, discussed college next year, got Starbucks :) and then came home. after that, I was just lazy for a bit til Bry got bored and I went over to make him un-bored. we just chilled for a while b4 he had to go to hockey and as did I. hot tubbin it is definatly great during the winter :) then, we had a hockey game. well, idk, it wasn't really a game... at some points, it seemed it, and I did get real excited, buttt we lost like 9-1. Allie played and Teray didn't suit because she had been at Maine Select in RI for a tourney and coach didn't think she'd be back in time, so DJ suited which was exciting. watching the game from behind the bench certainly isn't though. as the season progresses I certainly wish I had played, I miss it. but oh well. so I went to that with Danielle, and then we checked out TJ's, the BA and went to J&S in Winslow so she could get some chips... then I came home, and I am super bored. I have to work 1-8 tomorrow and get stuck missing Teray's game at 730.. which is shitty, and then I might go to the movies with Adam and dad because, well, because Adam's home and its the only time dad spends time with me. schwell, I think I might head to bed... don't worry, I'll get back to posting on this soon enough. goodnight :)


Tuesday, November 23, 2004

la la

well, I figured I'd try this thing out... so I guess if it works, everythings gonna be here now...

Im getting ready to go get Chris at Joe's house cos I am a wonderful sister like that. Yeah, I am too nice sometimes.

Talked to Jeff for a bit tonight. I miss my crazy Texan so much, and ps, next time, look at the clock before you call haha :) you're my best friend though, so it is okay.

Just realized that everyone and i mean everyone is back in town for Turkey Day break... so that means Champs is gonna be PACKED Wednesday night, so it should be a sweet time, especially since everyones favorite soldier is home as well, Eric :)

Yep.. well, I guess I am get going, since we actually have school tomorrow. And I'd like to get to sleep before 2 am for once... haha.